New year is always a time for new resolutions, new goals to be set, new decisions made, some habits we drop of, some habits we take up. It’s a time of inner cleansing, a time to look at oneself in the mirror and assess whether we like what we see, who we truly have become and what we are striving to become, weighing our spiritual life, are you a light of the world? are you transforming your life daily with the Word of God to what God has called you to do?.

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The Bible tells us that when King David committed the hideous act of murder and adultery with Bathsheba, God sent the Prophet Nathan to give judgement of vengeance upon his household(2Sam2:11) for whatever man sows he will reap. David begged for forgiveness he wrote in Psalm 51 

Purge me O Lord, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Create in me a pure heart, O God,  and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

11 Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.
12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.

Here we learnt that as human beings we are pruned to sinning and none of us is righteous, we all have an area of weakness, to some its pride, anger, greed, fornication, adultery, unforgiveness and many many more. We tend to think ‘sin has category’!. But the bible says all are sins are like filthy rags before the Lord none is better than the other, everyone has different grace, hence we are told to ‘judge not’ as it is only God who sees the heart and the only wise Judge.

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We learn also of Gods mercy and His unlimited ‘openness’ to 2nd chances. Hence the title ‘God of second chances’. Despite King David’s hideous sin, with his heartfelt confession and repentance, God forgave him. “I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more. Isaiah 43:25 Time after time we have read of the mercy of God and HIS kindness to remember ‘ that we are dust’ , to top it all He sent us HIS only begotten Son Jesus Christ to shed His blood on Calvary for the redemption of our sins. Therefore no matter what terrible or shameful things you have done in the past, JESUS says come as you are, even if it is as red as filthy rags I will wash it and make it white as snow.

I found through history that everyone has a story to tell and it is this that makes one stronger, to stand and say, yes I did this BUT today I am an overcomer, transformed and victorious. Just like a drug addict, who has gone through rehab to become clean, or an alcoholic that has gone through AA (Alcoholic Anonymous). So is Jesus Christ who has ALL powers in HIS Hand, HE is more than able to transform, deliver, and set free from ALL STRONGHOLDS, be it Spiritual, physical or mental. Just like the 12 disciples none of them were perfect, everyone of them had a story but Christ selected them for HE knew their story is there strength used to witness to others who will go through similar situations.

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The abused wife and the abuser when transformed become pioneers of marriage counselling, teaching people of the pitfalls of marriage, what to look out for, what to do, how to cope etc. Without their original story then they will not be able to mentor or deal with such situations. Hence Testimonies!. Bible says we overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the words of our testimonies. To say, yes, I have been through it and I overcame!.

My favourite Apostle in the Bible is Paul of Tarsus, because I can relate to all He says, his trials, his weakness and His Boldness in Christ, whenever I go through a difficult patch, I say to myself, Apostle Paul went through worse and yet HE still preached the gospel from city to city, he was stoned, beaten, thrown overboard, left to die, yet he still said. ‘Whether I live or die it is totally irrelevant, for I live for Christ!.

Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day. 17For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison,18while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal. 2Cor 4:16

Transforming means acknowledging your past, figuring it out and the process of changing to a better higher person. Transformation starts from within, inside out, from the mind and as a Christian with the help of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God it becomes more easier and more fulfilling, why because you have surrendered the transformation to the maker of the vessel. (just like you will take a broken down car to a mechanic and not a Carpenter!).

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

I have been privilege in my young ministerial career to sit, travel, study and be blessed by a lot of Anointed people of God, churches and even different religions, from muslim Imams, to Orthodox Jew Rabbi’s, to Buddhist Monks and Christian leaders globally, from the European Vicar of Church of England , worshipping in the House of Parliament with christian delegates from around the world to leading a UK pastoral delegate to Pastor Sunday Adelaja’s God Embassy in Ukraine (whose ‘spiritual’ drug rehabilitation programme in the country, is 2nd to none ).   I found that the more you surrender yourself to the Holy Spirit, the more you hunger for the revelation knowledge of Christ and Chase God for it, with despair with passion with eagerness, the more the Lord reveals to you, the more the Lord uses you and the more the Lord blesses you and takes you to places you will never imagine in your wildest dreams that you can reach.

Technology has made things easier, Heaven is the limit and beyond, whatever you want to learn, spiritually, Biblically, physically they are all before you to choose. Hence bible says ‘seek and you shall find’.

14 But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? 15 And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!” Romans 10

God is calling you this 2016, to follow HIM, let Him transform your life by surrendering your service, your all to HIM. Let your feet be the messenger that brings the ‘Good news’ to millions this 2016. Where can you be of service, transform someones life and watch God transform yours.

My prayer is that this 2016 shall be the best year ever for you. The glory of God shall speak in your life and all shall see, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it. Isaiah 40:5

Peace be to you and yours!

Ayo NI O!

7  Steps to Transforming your Life

Step 1: Take Responsibility

This may sound like an easy step, but taking full responsibility for one’s life is nothing less than revolutionary. It means to stop blaming others – the demanding employer, ungrateful children, unpredictable weather, irritating spouse, unreliable friend, useless government, unfavorable circumstances, unjust God – and instead realize that you are the creator of your own life story.

Taking responsibility means a shift from being a victim to being a conscious creator. Consciousness is the key element here

Build and maintain a strong burning desire

Desire is the driving force that propels us to achieve our goals. If you are serious about transforming your life, you can set this as one of your major goals. However, to achieve this goal, you must have a strong desire that is like a fire lit within you and you must maintain this strong desire until your life is transformed.

2. Engage in transformative learning

Transformative learning is about changing how you think and the thoughts you think. It involves changing your perspective and acting from a new, more empowering perspective. As the apostle Paul noted, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” (Rom. 12:2) Transformative learning is one of the best ways to renew your mind and transform your life.

3. Change your self-concept

Have you ever asked yourself, “Who am I?” You are not your name. You are not your job title. You are not your body. You live in a body. What do you think about yourself? For many, these are deep questions. There is a tendency to believe who others tell us we are and this can limit us. Spend some time finding out who you really are and then change the concept you have of yourself to that of the real you. When you do this, you will change, and when you change your life will also change.

4. Understand some basics of the co-creation process

You may have heard others say that you create your reality. Really? We do not create anything. We are co-creator and we bring things into existence together with God and others. We co-create both good and undesirable things and events for ourselves and others. If you understand some basics of the co-creation process, this will help you to transform your life.

5. Co-create your better life

After you understand some basics of the co-creation process, take the time to plan your life. You can develop a strategic plan for your life. A strategic plan outlines where you are now, where you want to go, and how you intend to get there. It includes things like your mission, vision, and your major goals for the key areas of your life, such as health, wealth, success, and your relationship with God and others. Write down your plan and take action to achieve your goals. The sooner you start, the faster you will get more of them. Plan to have a better life full of the desires of your heart and enjoy your life.

6. Start living differently

To start living differently you have to start thinking, talking, and acting differently and continue doing so until your life is transformed. Implement your plans, monitor them and evaluate them on a regular basis. Revise them if you need to. Every step you take in the right direction gets you closer to your desired destination.

7. Be grateful…

Many of us have a lot to be grateful for, including things we take for granted. Having eyes to read and access to the internet are among our many blessings. What do you have to be grateful for today? Who can you thank for a blessing you received recently? Gratitude releases endorphins in your body and this makes you feel good. It helps you cope with stress and it is good for your health. Gratitude opens doors in your life for receiving more — for yourself, and to share with others.

Transforming your life can be challenging, yet exciting and rewarding. If you want a much better life with more of the things you truly desire, then take some action today to start doing so.