Table of Contents

 I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward. Gen 15:1

My dearest sister and brother I greet you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour  Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of the most high God, who because of His love and mercies towards us sent us Jesus, the light of the world, the peace to the troubled nation and the distraught mind. Jesus is the life, the truth and the living water.


What a year this had been, it has definitely been the survival of the fittest. A year of financial crisis, high unemployment, persecution of Christians around the world, natural disasters from Asia to Australia. Jesus said ‘I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world’. John 16:33.  

So as a Christian we are well equipped through His words in the Holy Bible that in this temporal world we live in it comes with its own troubles all we need is the sustaining power to overcome it. Jesus is our sustenance our food when we go through famine, our strength when we are weak, our companion when we are lonely, our provider when we are financially stricken. Our Joy in time of sorrow. Our hope that joy will come in the morning.

A life without Jesus is a hopeless life, a chaotic life, a lonely life, a restless life. That is why millions of people celebrate with a grateful and joyous, appreciative heart the birth of Jesus into the world. As for me my friend, I will not be writing this with boldness without Him, Jesus is the only way. Why would you decide to leave a lonely life, when Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart, waiting for you to open it so He can enter and eat with you.

He is the Light if the world and only person that can shine light into your darkness, your depression, your addiction, your loneliness. Jesus was born only for this reason for you and for me.The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, Isaiah 61:1

Jesus is the good news to you He will heal your broken heart, your sickness, give you insight to things, to release you from the prison of unhappiness, depression, alcoholism, drug addiction etc.

My friend  I pray the Joy of Jesus remain with you into 2016 and beyond. May He reveal Himself to you the more and shine His light into your darkness, meet you in every point of need and grant all your heart desires.


Perhaps you don’t know Jesus, curious and want to be introduced to HIM

Why not join us on a beautiful and bright journey, travel on a road of self discovery and enlightenment.   A journey where you detox your world of all the heaviness inside and around. From depression, loneliness, addictiveness, unforgiveness, anger etc.

Through Jesus and His teachings you become inspired, transformed and empowered. You see things differently, know your purpose, discover that you are here to bless the world, affect your generation and have a voice as a child of God.

My precious and beautiful friend, created in the likeness of God.  Do you know there is no other like you?. You alone have your style,  your smile, your handprints, your DNA!   no one can do it like you do.

Beautiful beyond description, whose time is in God’s hands. Before you were born, God knew you and has a good plan in place for your life. (Jeremiah1:5). I pray Gods peace, love and strength to bring you through Victoriously this wonderful year of our Lord 2016!

Peace, Love and Hope 2U 🙂