Apostle John Eckhardt Ministries
When it comes to Kingdom ministries, they are few and far fetched. many ministries of today are about money, fame, power. So are so far from the truth its chillingly scary. How some manipulate their parishioners all under the pretence of the ‘Anointing’!. They squeeze the weak, feeble minded out of their finances, rather than empower them to go forth as Christ has called us to do. They bind them and torture their minds to believe the ‘God of Baba A,B,C’ is the key to heaven!. Its no more the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ but the ‘God of somebody’!. When you then come across ministries that actually have Gods heart on their mind, then we need to listen to them, promote them and give them the honour due to a ‘Vessel and Oracle of God’. This Page is created for such ministries.
I came across Apostle John Eckhart’s ministries when I was doing a research on the ‘power of prayer’ and ‘how to pull down Spiritual strongholds’. I have ever since then been in love with his ministry and his passion for Gods people across the world. Apostle John is the Senior pastor of Crusaders Church, Chicago but it is what he does outside Church that is fascinating. Apostle John has a prophetic ministry and believes every one is called to be a prophet to a certain degree, that is moving under the unction of the Almighty to speak Gods promises to other lives. Equipping people with Gods words, mentoring them on how to use it, how to awaken their inner spirit, to listen to the holy spirit and how to hear Gods voice. Apostle John is also a deliverance pastor and has written tons of books on prayers, deliverance, prophecy etc.
To make sure he reaches people globally, he has a daily video podcast he does on twitter Periscope called @Sentapostle1 he sometimes does it twice or 3 times a day as the spirit leads him. This session has helped me in so many ways and I encourage you to hook into it. We serve a God of the Universe and NOT a god of a church or a man
We must remember that the earth is of the Lord and the fullness thereof, we are called to oversee a global Kingdom of God on earth and need ‘Men of God like Apostle John to break the circle of ‘church bondage’ to see the greater picture that millions of people need to be reached and the more we equip each other the better we can reach to the furthest part of the universe.
This is Dorothy Gonzalez I have pretended your church many years ago it was very interesting at that time I just got back from Arizona where they had Michael w Smith the hardcore Christianity where they had Michael w Smith hardcore Christianity Arizona delivered center too I think you too can do some work together
Prayer for Deliverance from the Spirit of the Occult/ Divination:
Lord, you have seated me in the Heavenlies, far above Principalities, and Powers, Might and Dominion. I take my seat, and exercise my authority in Christ Jesus. I put on the full armor of God. I put on the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, the shoes of the preparation of the gospel of peace. I take up the sword of the Spirit. I take up the shield of faith. I plead the Precious Blood of Jesus over my body, my soul, and my spirit for protection. I also plead the Precious blood of Jesus over [Name person]’s body, soul and spirit.
I stand before you, Lord, and your Courts…. OR As I stand in the gap for [Name person] in your Courts, I want to remind this Court of what Jesus Christ, my Lord, has done. According to Colossians 2;14, every accusation and case against [Name Person] (me) was nailed to the cross, and revoked by the shedding of his Precious Blood. I now ask and decree that all that Jesus, the Advocate, has done for him/her/me now speaks for him/her/me today. I decree the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ silences all accusations Satan has used and now uses against him/her/me. Any iniquity that would speak against him/her/me is also silenced by the Blood. If there is any legal right or issue in the spirit that Satan is using to resist him/her/me, to hold him/her/me in sickness, to delay his/her/my blessings, to destroy any area of his/her/my life, I ask that it be revealed to him/her/me now. I ask that the Blood would speak for him/her/me according to Hebrews 12:24. (Listen. Anything that is revealed must be renounced. Repent, and ask for forgiveness for it. Then ask for the Precious Blood of Jesus to cover this legal right or issue.)
I know that he/she has (I have) a book in Heaven. If for any reason Satan has been granted the permission to hold his/her/my book captive because of sins of iniquity, covenants made with the forces of Darkness by any of his/her/my ancestors, or himself/herself/myself, I now ask for his/her/my book to be returned to him/her/me. He/She/I ask(s) that any rights these covenants gave Satan to take his/her/my book captive be revoked. He/She/I renounce(s) all personal and generational involvement with demonic forces, all demonic covenants now. He/She/I break(s) free from the forces of Darkness, from Satan, from all Evil. He/She/ I only desire(s) what comes from you, Lord. I declare that he/she is (I am) a child of God. I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ as his/her/my defense. I declare that his/her/my bloodline and himself/herself/myself will serve only you, Lord. Please forgive him/her/me for all covenants, interactions, involvement, oaths, trades, souls ties made with demonic powers. I declare the Blood of Jesus Christ now revokes and annuls all covenants, interactions, involvement, oaths, trades, and soul ties made with demonic powers. I now want and decree his/her/my book free! I dispatch angels to go recover his/her/my book. Wherever his/her/my book may be held captive, I ask for it to be found and retrieved. The Precious Blood of Jesus Christ revokes and removes all and every legal right of the devil to hold his/her/my book captive. (Look in the spirit realm for the book in question… You might feel a shift in the spiritual atmosphere at this time. You may witness the angels returning this book to you.) Lord, I thank you and receive his/her/my book. I even rejoice as I receive the books of his/her/my generational bloodlines as well at this time. Lord, I thank you for the successful recovery and securing of his/her/my book and all additional books now in my possession. I open his/her/my book before you in order to obtain revelation of purpose and destiny over his/her/my life. I present his/her/my case upon his/her/my purpose, not on a need. I plead the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ over every page of [Name person]’s (my) book in Heaven. I place you in remembrance of your plans for him/her/me. I ask for a divine intervention his/her/my life to bring him/her/me in perfect alignment to your Divine Will, Abba Father. I now lift up [Name person] (myself) to you, Abba as a love offering. I ask for an audience in your Court, Abba, and come boldly before you to plead my case. I produce his/her/my Birth Certificate, his/her/my Baptismal Certificate, his/her/my Marriage Certificate and the Birth Certificates of his/her/my children and grandchildren as exhibits in this matter today. I know that your plans for him/her/me and his/her/my family are under demonic attack. I decree and declare that I accept your purpose and plans for [Name person] (myself) and his/her/my children and grandchildren. [You have called him/me to be the Head of his/my household.] I trust in you completely, Abba and petition for a divine intervention. I submit to your Kingdom purposes for him/her/me and his/her/my family and I place his/her/my free will at the foot of the cross as a token of his/her/my affection for you. I declare and decree that [Name person] (I) will honor his/her/my covenant to you until he/she/I die(s)! He/She/I will honor it for your glory, Abba.
I renounce and repent for the sin of the Occult/ Divination in his/her/my life, and I ask for your forgiveness, Abba. I repent for all Evil Spirits Groupings associated to the Strongman Spirit of the Occult/ Divination as well (Ouija Board, PalmReading,Mind-Reading, Automatic Hand-writing, Handwriting Analysis, Past Life Readings, ESP, Hypnotism, Horoscope, Astrology, Levitation, Fortune Telling, Water Witching, Tarot Cards, Pendulum, Witchcraft, Black Magic, White Magic, Conjuration, Incantation, Crystal Ball, Ghost Box, Spirit Box, Charms, Yoga, Fetishes, Clairvoyant, Necromancy, Divination, Pendulum, Psychic Healing, Telepathy, Teleportation, New Age Medicine, Eastern Star, Free-Masonry, EVP, Wicken, Voodoo, Divination, Drugs, Jezebel Spirit, Rebellion, Stargazing, Zodiac signs, Satanist, Satanic ritual abuse, Soothsayers, Sorcerers, Warlocks, Warlords, Witches, Attended a Séance, Talked to Spirit Guides, Instrumental Trans-communication, Talking to the Dead, Calling or Dispatching Demons, Non-Christian Exorcism, Own Any Occult Jewelry or Clothing, Taken or Made a Blood Pact or Oath, Sorcery, Visited a so called “Spiritist”, Visited Pagan Temples, Read Occult and/or Witchcraft Books, Read Books about Spirit Guides or New Age, Practiced Eastern Medicine or Martial Arts, Watched a Horror Movie and became VERY frightened, Watched “The Exorcist” Movie and Became VERY Frightened) manifesting in his/her/my life, and ask forgiveness on his/her/my behalf for having given these spirits legal ground over his/her/my entire life.
Lord, I open the Ancient Gates of [Name person]’s (my) soul. I plead the blood of Jesus over the Ancient Gates of [Name person]. I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ over [Name person]’s (my) body, soul, spirit, emotions, will, conscious mind, subconscious mind, unconscious mind, over his/her/my dreams, into every cell of his/her/my body, over all trauma, over his/her/my eye Gates, ear Gates, nose Gates, mouth Gate and touch Gates. Wash him/her/me completely, Lord.
Deliverance ****
Lord, I bind the Strongman Spirit of the Occult/ Divination in [Name person]. I uproot it and all evil spirit groupings attached to it (Ouija Board, Palm-Reading, Mind-Reading, Automatic Hand-writing, Handwriting Analysis, Past Life Readings, ESP, Hypnotism, Horoscope, Astrology, Levitation, Fortune Telling, Water Witching, Tarot Cards, Pendulum, Witchcraft, Black Magic, White Magic, Conjuration, Incantation, Crystal Ball, Ghost Box, Spirit Box, Charms, Yoga, Fetishes, Clairvoyant, Necromancy, Divination, Pendulum, Psychic Healing, Telepathy, Teleportation, New Age Medicine, Eastern Star, Free-Masonry, EVP, Wicken, Voodoo, Divination, Drugs, Jezebel spirit, Rebellion, Stargazing, Zodiac signs, Satanist, Satanic ritual abuse, Soothsayers, Sorcerers, Warlocks, Warlords, Witches, Attended a Séance, Talked to Spirit Guides, Instrumental Trans-communication, Talking to the Dead, Calling or Dispatching Demons, Non-Christian Exorcism, Own Any Occult Jewelry or Clothing, Taken or Made a Blood Pact or Oath, Sorcery, Visited a so called “Spiritist”, Visited Pagan Temples, Read Occult and/or Witchcraft Books, Read Books about Spirit Guides or New Age, Practiced Eastern Medicine or Martial Arts, Watched a Horror Movie and became VERY frightened, Watched “The Exorcist” Movie and Became VERY Frightened), and cast them all to the foot of the cross where Jesus will dispose of them forever. I prevent them from ever again manifesting or returning in [Name person]’s (my) life. I plead the Precious blood of Jesus over [Name person] (myself). I declare the Strongman Spirit of the Occult/ Divination and all evil spirit groupings have NO legal ground or authority over [Name person] (me) as of this instant.
I send Dunamis power 7 fold from the Spirit of God, into [Name person]’s (my) body, soul, spirit, emotions, will, conscious mind, subconscious mind, unconscious mind, over his/her/my dreams, into every cell of his/her/my body, over all trauma, over his/her/my eye Gates, ear Gates, nose Gates, mouth Gate and touch Gates.
End with ….
I loose the fruits of joy, peace, love, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faith, patience, and self- control in [ Name person] in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray. I now close the Ancient Gates of his/her/my soul. Heal [Name person] (me) completely, Lord. Deliver him/her/me right now for your glory. I remain in perpetual thanksgiving for your miracle in [Name person]’s (my) life! Bless him/her/me, Abba. Let him/her/me walk in wisdom all the days of his/her/my life, free of all demonic attacks, infestations, influences, clothed in righteousness for your glory. I wait on you, Abba to complete your mighty work in him/her/me. As I wait, I will trust in you, rejoice in your Master Plan.
I ask you Abba Father to now execute a judgment. I ask that you put an end to Satan’s torments, and interference in his/her/my life, and to provide documentation to that effect. I ask that all goods, monies, property, wealth that have been stolen, and taken from the defendant (Name Person), directly or indirectly, be returned or restored by Satan, the plaintiff, seven-fold. I ask that health be returned to the defendant, and for an end to all attacks today. Restitution of health should also be seven times the original condition before such attacks occurred.
I ask for an immediate cessation of all direct, or indirect, demonic activity in his/her/my life. I also ask that all relationships be restored. Finally, I ask the Court that all curses, hexes, spells, ungodly soul ties, evil covenants, evil trades, evil dedications, jinxes, and dreams be revoked and nullified. I ask the Court to hold all evil entities accountable for their actions, and liable to judgment rendered by the Court of Heaven.
I claim all the blessings Satan stole from him/her/me during his/her/my lifetime! I demand restoration! Abba, I ask that you force Satan to repay him/her/me all things seven fold. I ask that your decision be final, immediate, and without possibility of appeal, Abba Father as the work of Jesus on the cross assures Victory through the shedding of his Precious Blood.
Finally, I ask for a fresh in-filling of the Holy Spirit. Fill him/her/me, Lord. Occupy all the areas vacated by those evil spirits. Baptise him/her/me now in the Holy Spirit. Also baptise him/her/me in your Divine Will. I consecrate him/her/myself to you now. I place this prayer in the divine will and ask the Lord to multiply it infinitely. Please leave your Armor on his/her/my Spirit to remain there until he/she/I draw(s) his/her/my last breath.
Abba Father, Seal this deliverance now. Place the Blood of Jesus on all entry points used by demons in the past to enter his/her/my Spirit, his/her/my Soul, and his/her/my Body. Place the Blood of Jesus on his/her/my eyes, his/her/my nose, his/her/my mouth, his/her/my ears now. Place the Blood of Jesus on every cell of his/her/my body, and of his/her/my skin. I place this prayer in the divine will and ask the Lord to multiply it infinitely.
Abba Father, place your Royal seal on these entry points, and claim him/her/me for your glory. Claim him/her/me as your own. Decree that only you have the authority to open these entry points in Jesus name. I now accept the Seal of God on his/her/my Soul, his/her/my Body, and his/her/my Spirit. He/She/I (is) am a new creation, consecrated for God’s service and glory. I place this prayer in the divine will and ask the Lord to multiply it infinitely. Abba Father, teach him/her/me your truth, and your ways. It is his/her/my earnest desire to walk in your will, and to glorify your most Holy name. He/She/I take(s) back all the ground he/she has /I have ever yielded to you, Satan. God is his/her/my source of supply. God is his/her/my source of wisdom, knowledge, guidance, and power. Thank you for delivering him/her/me, and cleansing him/her/me from all unrighteousness by the Precious Blood of Jesus. Abba Father, thank you for delivering him/her/me from every curse through the redemptive work of your Son, Jesus Christ. You exalt him/her/me, and set him/her/me on high. You cause him/her/me to be fruitful and to prosper in everything. By your hand of blessing, he/she is/ I am set free. He/she is/ I am the head, and not the tail. He/she is/ I am above, and not beneath. You have established him/her/me in holiness today. He/she is/ I am yours, and purpose to serve you faithfully, and to glorify your name from this day forward.
Father, I stand on Romans 6, your Mighty Word. I declare, and claim your victory over all the powers of darkness in this place, in his/her/my life, and in the lives of his/her/my descendants. I stand against you Satan, and all evil forces under your command in Jesus Christ’s name. Abba Father, [Name person]/I draw(s) close to you on the merits of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. By faith, he/she/I take ownership of his finished work today in his/her/my physical, mental, and emotional health. He/she/I enter(s) into a new covenant with you that Christ has made possible. Jesus, I ask you to come into his/her/my heart, and change his/her/my life.
I also declare 1 Thessalonians 5:23 over his/her/my life: “Now may the God of peace, Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body, be preserved blameless at the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Demons, in the name of Jesus Christ, his/her/my Deliverer, I say Amen to God’s curse on you all.
Holy Spirit align his/her/my mind, and his/her/my thoughts to the perfect plan of God. Holy Spirit, align his/her/my feet and his/her/my steps to the perfect plan of God. Holy Spirit align his/her/my will, and his/her/my life to the perfect plan of God. I decree that he/she/I am capable of anything God wants him/her/me to do.
He/she is/ I am a Child of God. He/she/ I walk(s) in covenant with God all the days of his/her/my life. I command evil inner voices to be silenced in his/her/my life, in the name of Jesus Christ. Every satanic limitation, and restriction upon his/her/my life, break now, in Jesus name. Lord, reverse all curses issued against him/her/me to good. All the effects of evil marks upon his/her/my physical life, or his/her/my spiritual life, be cancelled in Jesus name. O Lord, re-organize his/her/my life to receive multiple blessings. He/she is/ I am redeemed from the curse, and the blessings of Abraham is his/hers/mine! He/she/ I close(s) all the doors opened to the enemy forever with the blood of Jesus. He/she is/ I am free indeed… Father perform a creative miracle in every area of his/her/my body requiring such in the name of Jesus Christ. I ask for your verdict in this case.
Listen for the Verdict to be handed down.
I now receive from your gracious hand an official document, your final decree, scroll as evidence of these proceedings held today. Righteous Father, I glorify you and thank you for the privilege of presenting my case before your Courts this day.I rejoice in you, my King! I praise you for your mercies and goodness towards him/her/me. I decree divine order and justice may now be restored and fall to the Earth in [Name Person]’s (my) life, and change the natural in accordance to your Divine Will. I thank you Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for the perfect resolution to this case. I now ask to adjourn this case.
I now move to the Court of Scribes and ask the Scribes to file a copy of the Verdict given by the Court in this matter in the Court Records. I move to the Court of Angels and entrust angels with the mission of enforcing the Verdict, of making this scroll fall to the Earth for God’s glory. I ask for Breaker Angels to escort the Messenger Angels chosen to carry this scroll back to the Earth. The Breaker Angels are to hold their positions and battle any demonic forces which would manifest to prevent this mission from coming to fruition. The Messenger Angels are to wear the Full Armor of God, and the Armor of the Divine Will, and have orders to go through the Tower of Fire of the Divine Will and go swiftly down to the Earth and deliver the scroll in their possession. Let your Verdict be enforced this day for your glory, Lord! Thank you, Abba for transfiguring [Name person] (me) and his/her/my entire life through this prayer. Amen. Fiat.
I wrote 90 prayers that follow this format. Please tell me what you think. Thank you
Your article helped me a lot, is there any more related content? Thanks!
Thank you so much for the wonderful prayer by Chantal Robitsllie. It was very enlightening and so helpful guiding one in the thoroughness of prayer.
Thank you for sharing.
Can you be more specific about the content of your article? After reading it, I still have some doubts. Hope you can help me.
Your point of view caught my eye and was very interesting. Thanks. I have a question for you.
Your point of view caught my eye and was very interesting. Thanks. I have a question for you.
I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.
Thank you for your sharing. I am worried that I lack creative ideas. It is your article that makes me full of hope. Thank you. But, I have a question, can you help me?
Thank you for your sharing. I am worried that I lack creative ideas. It is your article that makes me full of hope. Thank you. But, I have a question, can you help me?
I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.
Thanks for sharing. I read many of your blog posts, cool, your blog is very good.
Thanks for sharing. I read many of your blog posts, cool, your blog is very good.