Nigerian billionaire Cosmas Maduka takes to street evangelism

A Nigerian billionaire named Cosmas Maduka was recently spotted preaching the gospel on Lagos streets Cosmas Maduka is a Nigerian billionaire known to be the Chief Executive Officer of Cocharis Motors. His net worth is said to be about $800 million. Despite his astounding wealth, Cosmas was spotted on the streets preaching the gospel.

So many Christians of today put a ‘price tag’ with their ‘service to God’. Its either ‘expenses’ or ‘kick backs’ or ‘top ups’..

Just like ‘Jacob and Esau’ they sell their ‘inheritance’ for a pittance. They are impatient for Gods promised manifestation instead like the ‘prodigal son’ they ‘illegally’ grab what they can, thinking they can outsmart God. ‘A little here and there’. The Bible says ‘woe unto you workers of iniquity’ ‘I never knew you workers of lawlessness, depart from me!.

Dont be a disgrace to God, today you have the grace to ‘turnaround’ serve God with your ‘ALL’ so His UNMERITED BLESSINGS & FAVOUR can pursue and overtake you too. ‘Serve HIM first’ and your pot of flour shall never go dry.

Today I pray for a turnaround in your life, go bask in Gods glory, today YOU shall witness God in a new dimension IJN.